My Dryer Smells like Pee: Causes and Solutions

You’ve just pulled your freshly dried laundry out of the dryer, only to be met with an unpleasant odor reminiscent of pee. It’s an issue that can make your laundry experience far from enjoyable and raise concerns about the cleanliness of your clothes. But don’t worry; you’re not alone in facing this problem.

Your dryer may smell like pee due to several reasons, with the most common being residual urine on clothing. This occurs when soiled garments are placed in the dryer without proper cleaning, allowing urine to transfer onto the dryer’s interior components. Additionally, mold and mildew buildup inside the dryer can emit an odor similar to urine, especially when moisture is trapped.

Clogged lint filters and vents can also contribute to unpleasant odors, as lint can absorb and retain smells from your laundry. Lastly, an accumulation of excess fabric softener or detergent residue on clothing and inside the dryer can create a pee-like smell when heated during the drying cycle.

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Common Causes of a Dryer Smelling like Pee

Now let’s discuss these common causes of a dryer smelling like pee and highlight effective solutions.

1. Leftover Urine on Clothing

One of the most common reasons your dryer might smell like pee is residual urine on clothing. This can happen when someone with urinary incontinence or bedwetting issues places soiled clothes directly into the dryer without proper cleaning. The urine on these garments can transfer onto the dryer drum, lint trap, and even the exhaust vent.


  • Preventative Measures: If you or someone in your household struggles with incontinence, consider using waterproof mattress protectors or adult diapers to prevent urine leakage onto clothing.
  • Pre-treatment: Prior to washing, pre-treat soiled clothing with stain removers or enzyme-based cleaners to effectively remove urine stains and odor.
  • Extra Rinse Cycle: Run an extra rinse cycle in the washing machine to ensure all traces of urine are thoroughly removed from clothing.

2. Mold and Mildew Buildup

Moisture and lint inside your dryer create an ideal environment for mold and mildew to thrive. If you’ve ever forgotten wet laundry in the washer for too long or experienced a dryer that doesn’t adequately vent moisture, mold and mildew can develop inside your dryer.


  • Cleaning the Interior: Regularly clean the inside of your dryer, including the drum, baffles, and the lint trap, to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  • Ventilation Improvement: Ensure that your dryer is properly vented to the outdoors to expel excess moisture. Check for lint clogs in the vent and exhaust duct and remove them.
  • Vent Cleaning: Periodically clean the dryer vent and exhaust duct to maintain optimal airflow.

3. Clogged Lint Filter and Vent

Lint buildup not only reduces your dryer’s efficiency but can also contribute to unpleasant odors. Lint is highly flammable, and when it accumulates, it can become a fire hazard. Additionally, trapped lint can absorb odors from your laundry, creating the pee-like smell.


  • Regular Cleaning: Clean the lint filter before or after every load to prevent lint buildup. Ensure the filter is completely dry before reinserting it.
  • Vent Maintenance: Check and clean the dryer vent and exhaust duct regularly. Consider using a vent brush to remove lint from hard-to-reach areas.
  • Professional Cleaning: If your dryer vent is excessively clogged or difficult to access, it’s advisable to seek professional cleaning services.

4. Accumulated Fabric Softener or Detergent

Using too much fabric softener or detergent can leave behind a residue that emits an unpleasant odor when heated in the dryer. This residue can accumulate over time and create the impression of a pee-like smell.


  • Proper Usage: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the correct amount of detergent and fabric softener to use in each load.
  • Residue Removal: If you suspect detergent or fabric softener residue is the issue, run an empty dryer cycle with a dryer-safe cleaning product or white vinegar to eliminate the buildup.
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Solutions to Eliminate the Pee-Like Odor

1. Cleaning the Dryer Interior

Regularly cleaning the interior of your dryer is essential to prevent and eliminate any lingering odors. Follow these steps to clean the dryer’s interior:

  1. Unplug the Dryer: Ensure your dryer is unplugged or disconnected from its power source for safety.
  2. Remove the Lint Filter: Take out the lint filter and clean it thoroughly.
  3. Clean the Drum: Wipe down the interior drum with a cloth or sponge and warm soapy water. Pay attention to any visible stains or residue.
  4. Clean the Lint Trap: Use a brush or vacuum attachment to remove lint and debris from the lint trap area.
  5. Inspect the Baffles: Check the baffles (the fins on the drum) for lint buildup and clean them if necessary.
  6. Vent and Exhaust Duct: Clean the dryer vent and exhaust duct to ensure proper ventilation.

2. Removing Mold and Mildew

If you suspect mold or mildew is causing the odor in your dryer, follow these steps to eliminate it:

  1. Safety First: Ensure the dryer is disconnected from power and gas sources.
  2. Inspect for Mold: Carefully inspect the interior of the dryer for any visible signs of mold or mildew growth.
  3. Cleaning Solution: Mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Scrub and Wipe: Use a cloth or sponge soaked in the cleaning solution to scrub away mold or mildew. Pay special attention to any affected areas.
  5. Rinse and Dry: Rinse the interior with clean water and allow it to dry thoroughly before reconnecting the dryer.

3. Cleaning the Lint Filter and Vent

Proper maintenance of the lint filter and vent is crucial in eliminating odors caused by lint buildup. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Lint Filter: Clean the lint filter before or after each use, ensuring it is completely dry before reinstalling it.
  2. Vent Inspection: Regularly inspect the dryer vent and exhaust duct for lint accumulation. Remove any lint using a vent brush or vacuum.
  3. Professional Cleaning: If the vent is difficult to access or severely clogged, consider hiring a professional vent cleaning service.

4. Laundering Tips

To prevent residue from entering your dryer and causing odors, follow these laundry tips:

  1. Pre-treatment: If dealing with urine stains, pre-treat soiled clothing with stain removers or enzyme-based cleaners before washing.
  2. Proper Sorting: Sort laundry by color, fabric type, and soil level to prevent the transfer of odors between garments.
  3. Correct Detergent and Fabric Softener Usage: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the appropriate amount of detergent and fabric softener to use in each load.
My Dryer Smells like Pee

Bonus Maintenance and Prevention Tips

To keep your dryer smelling fresh and clean in the long term, it’s essential to establish a regular maintenance routine. Here are some tips for maintenance and prevention:

1. Establishing a Regular Cleaning Routine

  • Frequency: Perform routine cleaning and maintenance checks on your dryer at least once a month.
  • Maintenance Calendar: Create a maintenance calendar or set reminders to ensure you don’t forget to clean the lint filter, inspect the vent, and wipe down the interior.

2. Checking for Hidden Urine Stains

  • Pre-inspection: Before placing clothing in the washer, inspect for any hidden urine stains and pre-treat them as needed to ensure thorough removal during washing.

3. Proper Ventilation

  • Good Airflow: Ensure your dryer has proper ventilation to prevent odor buildup. Make sure the dryer is vented to the outdoors and that the vent and exhaust duct are clear of obstructions.
  • Ventilation System Maintenance: Periodically check and clean the vent and exhaust duct to maintain optimal airflow and prevent lint buildup.

When to Seek Professional Help

While many dryer odor issues can be resolved with regular maintenance and cleaning, there are situations where professional assistance may be required. Here are some indications that it’s time to seek help:

  • Persistent Odor: If the odor persists despite your efforts to clean the dryer, there may be an underlying issue that requires professional diagnosis.
  • Visible Mold Growth: If you notice extensive mold growth inside the dryer, it’s advisable to consult a professional for safe removal.
  • Technical Problems: If your dryer is experiencing technical issues in addition to the odor, such as overheating or unusual noises, it’s essential to have a qualified technician inspect and repair the appliance.

Choosing a Qualified Technician

When selecting a technician to service your dryer, consider the following factors:

  • Experience: Look for technicians with experience in repairing and servicing dryers.
  • Certifications: Check if the technician is certified or licensed to work on your specific dryer model.
  • Reputation: Read reviews and seek recommendations to ensure you choose a reputable service provider.
  • Cost: Obtain quotes from multiple technicians to compare pricing and services offered.

Safety Precautions When Dealing with Professional Repairs

  • Disconnect Power: Always disconnect the dryer from its power source before any professional repair or inspection.
  • Gas Dryers: If you have a gas dryer, turn off the gas supply and leave the job to a qualified technician to avoid potential gas leaks and hazards.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask the technician questions about the repair process and any safety precautions you should follow afterward.


Dealing with a dryer that smells like pee can be a frustrating experience, but with the knowledge and solutions provided in this comprehensive guide, you can effectively address the issue. By understanding the common causes of the odor and following the recommended solutions, you can keep your dryer smelling fresh and ensure your laundry is clean and odor-free.

Remember that regular maintenance, proper laundering practices, and preventative measures are key to preventing the return of unpleasant odors. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you encounter persistent issues or technical problems with your dryer. With the right approach, you can enjoy the benefits of a clean and odor-free dryer for years to come.


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