Do bidets save money on toilet paper?

Bidets offer a fresh approach to personal hygiene, and one of their potential benefits is reduced toilet paper usage. This translates to potential cost savings in the long run. But are bidets truly economical, or are they just a luxury for those willing to splurge on bathroom fixtures? In this comprehensive exploration, we analyze the financial aspects of bidets to understand whether they genuinely save money on toilet paper in the long run.

How Much Money Can You Save By Switching to Bidets?

Let’s look into the numbers:

The Great Toilet Paper Roll:

Average American household: Uses around 409 rolls of toilet paper annually, according to a Georgia-Pacific analysis report.

Cost per roll: Varies, but let’s use a national average of $0.89 per roll.

The Bidet Equation:

Bidet users typically reduce toilet paper use by 75% or more. This translates to roughly 307 rolls saved per year for the average household (409 rolls * 0.75).

At an average cost of $0.89 per roll, that’s a potential yearly saving of $272.43.

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Important Points to Consider:

This is a simplified scenario, and actual savings will vary depending on several factors:

  • Initial cost of the bidet (ranges from $50 to several hundred dollars)
  • Frequency of toilet paper use (individual differences)
  • Toilet paper brand and price variation
  • Bidet users might still require some toilet paper, but for drying and occasional use, significantly reducing overall consumption.

The environmental impact of reduced paper usage is another potential benefit to consider.

Is a Bidet Right for You?

The financial savings potential is certainly attractive, but it’s just one aspect to consider. Remember, the decision to switch to a bidet is a personal one, and there are other factors like comfort, hygiene, and personal preference that may play a role.

If you’re curious about bidets and cost-saving potential, consider researching different models and their installation costs to determine if the long-term savings outweigh the initial investment for you.

1. Upfront Investment:

When considering the financial implications of bidets, it’s essential to acknowledge the initial cost. Bidets come in various forms, from non-electric attachments to sophisticated electric models, and the upfront investment can range accordingly.

  • Non-electric bidet attachments: These are often the more budget-friendly option, with prices starting as low as $30 to $50. Installation is generally simple, making them an accessible choice for those on a tighter budget.
  • Electric bidet seats: These advanced models offer additional features such as heated seats, warm water cleansing, and customizable settings. Prices can range from $200 to $800 or more, depending on the brand and features.

2. Long-Term Savings:

The real magic of bidet cost savings lies in the reduced consumption of toilet paper over time. Let’s break down the factors contributing to long-term financial benefits:

a. Reduced Toilet Paper Consumption:

Bidets provide a more thorough cleaning experience, often rendering the need for excessive toilet paper obsolete. Users typically use minimal toilet paper for patting dry after using the bidet, significantly cutting down on the quantity consumed.

b. Environmental Impact:

Beyond personal savings, the environmental benefits of bidets also play a role. By reducing reliance on toilet paper, bidet users contribute to fewer trees being cut down for paper production. This aligns with a growing awareness of sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Cost Comparison: Bidet vs. Toilet Paper:

To compare the costs, let’s consider an average annual expenditure on toilet paper for a household. According to estimates, a typical American family spends around $120 to $300 annually on toilet paper, depending on the quality and brand.

  • Non-electric bidet attachment: With an upfront cost of $50 and minimal ongoing expenses, the non-electric bidet attachment can potentially pay for itself in terms of toilet paper savings within a few months.
  • Electric bidet seat: Although the upfront cost is higher, the increased features and comfort may justify the investment. Over the years, the reduced toilet paper consumption could make the electric bidet seat financially competitive with, if not superior to, the ongoing cost of toilet paper.


In the bidet versus toilet paper financial equation, bidets emerge as a viable long-term investment that can lead to significant cost savings. While the initial expense may deter some, the ongoing reduction in toilet paper consumption not only contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle but can also translate into tangible financial benefits over time. As more households embrace the bidet revolution, it becomes increasingly clear that bidets are not just a luxurious accessory but a wise choice for those looking to save money while promoting a cleaner and greener bathroom experience.


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