Are doctors and urologists against toilet paper use or bidets with back to front water jet?

No, doctors and urologists are generally not against toilet paper use or bidets, including those with a back-to-front water jet (also known as posterior wash). In fact, many medical professionals view bidets as a viable alternative or even a complementary tool to toilet paper, offering several potential benefits:

Benefits of Bidets:

  • Improved hygiene: Bidets can provide a more thorough clean compared to toilet paper alone, potentially reducing the risk of infections like urinary tract infections (UTIs) and diaper rash in babies.
  • Reduced toilet paper use: This can be beneficial for individuals with sensitive skin or certain medical conditions that may be irritated by toilet paper. Additionally, it contributes to a smaller environmental footprint as toilet paper production uses significant resources.
  • Improved comfort: Bidets can be particularly helpful for individuals with hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or other conditions that make wiping with toilet paper painful.

Important Points to Consider:

  • Proper hygiene is crucial: Regardless of whether you use a bidet or toilet paper, proper wiping technique is essential to prevent the spread of bacteria. For bidets, this includes ensuring the water stream’s direction is from front to back to avoid transferring bacteria from the anus to the urethra or vagina.
  • Consultation with a healthcare professional: While generally safe, consulting with a doctor or urologist is recommended before using a bidet, especially if you have any underlying health concerns. They can advise on the proper use and potential risks in your specific case.
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Potential drawbacks of bidets with back to front water jets

While bidets, particularly those with a back-to-front (posterior) water jet, offer several potential benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider. It’s important to understand these drawbacks and why some urologists might advise caution in certain situations.

  • Improper hygiene: If not used correctly, especially with improper water flow direction (front-to-back), bidets can actually increase the risk of infections by transferring bacteria from the anus to the urethra or vagina. This is a critical point, and proper technique is essential for safe use.
  • Vulnerability to certain health conditions: For individuals with urinary tract infections (UTIs) or vaginal infections prone to recurrence, bidets might increase the risk of recurrent infections if not used with proper hygiene practices. Consulting a doctor before using a bidet in such cases is crucial.
  • Skin irritation: In rare cases, the water spray, especially if the water is not at the right temperature, can cause irritation for individuals with sensitive skin.
  • Limited accessibility: Bidets may not be readily available or easily installed in all living situations, especially for individuals in shared accommodations or with limited bathroom space.
  • Learning curve and potential discomfort: Adjusting to using a bidet, especially for those accustomed to toilet paper, might require a learning curve and could initially feel uncomfortable.

Why Some Urologists Might Advise Caution:

It’s important to emphasize that not all urologists are against bidets with back-to-front water jets. However, some might advise caution in specific situations due to the potential drawbacks mentioned above. Here are some reasons why:

  • Concern about improper hygiene: Urologists might be concerned that individuals, especially those unfamiliar with bidets, might not use them with proper technique, potentially increasing the risk of infections.
  • Pre-existing health conditions: For individuals with urinary tract infections (UTIs) or recurrent vaginal infections, urologists might advise alternative methods or emphasize strict hygiene practices with bidets to minimize the risk of recurrence.
  • Individual needs and preferences: Ultimately, urologists consider individual needs and preferences when offering advice. If someone has concerns about using a bidet or experiences any discomfort, they would likely advise against it.


While bidets can offer benefits like improved hygiene and reduced toilet paper use, it’s crucial to use them correctly and be aware of the potential drawbacks. Consulting with a doctor or urologist is always recommended, especially if you have any underlying health concerns or are unsure about whether a bidet is right for you. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure safe and effective use.

Doctors and urologists prioritize proper hygiene practices and individual needs when it comes to bathroom habits. While they don’t advocate against toilet paper, they acknowledge the potential benefits of bidets when used correctly and safely. Remember, proper hygiene with either method is crucial, and consulting your doctor before making any significant changes is always advisable.


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