Toilets are usually fastened with two closet bolts cemented on the bathroom floor. Plumbers ordinarily use decorative caps to conceal the closet bolts. Toilet bolt caps often pop off and go missing when you clean your bathroom. Caps can also come off when the closet bolts are rusted. You might want to remove toilet bolt caps when dirty or damaged. Also, replacing your toilet requires removing the bolt caps to unscrew the closet nuts. Keep reading to understand how to remove toilet bolt caps in easy steps.
Which Tools Do You Need to Remove Toilet Bolt Caps?
It would be best to have the right tools to remove closet bolt caps easily. It is worth noting that some of the items you require are your usual garage tools. They include:
- Gloves
- Vinegar
- A towel
- Milwaukee hacksaw
- Screwdriver
- A hammer
- Adjustable wrench
How to Remove Toilet Bolt Caps in Six Easy Steps
Here are the steps to follow when removing a damaged or rusted toilet bolt cap:
Step One: Position a Towel at the Base of Your Toilet Bowl
Placing a towel at the base of your toilet bowl will ensure that the bathroom floor remains clean and dry. Additionally, the towel will protect you from flowing water. It is worth noting that the towel’s ability to absorb water allows it to catch any leaks around the toilet’s base.
Step Two: Employ Appropriate Tools
Using your bare hands to remove closet bolt caps can be a challenging undertaking. As such, you need to deploy the proper tools for the job. Use a flathead screwdriver to dislodge the bolt cap. Consider employing a knife to remove the lid if this does not work.
Both tools have thin heads which enable you to insert them just beneath the bolt cup head. Also, their planes act as a lever that allows you to nudge the bolt cuts with little force. A knife is particularly effective in removing rusted bolt caps which are typically difficult to remove. You can also utilize a Milwaukee hacksaw to sever protrusions on the bolt cups for easier removal.

Step Three: Slip the Screwdriver beneath the Toilet Bolt Cap
This step aims to unfasten the closet bolt cap from its normal position. Hold your screwdriver tightly and slip it beneath the toilet closet bolt cap to accomplish this goal. Once the screwdriver is in place, drive the closet bolt cap upwards.
It would help if you attempted to slip the screwdriver’s flat head beneath the plastic bolt cap from all sides until you get the perfect grip. Apply incremental force until the closet bolt cap comes off when you get the perfect hold.
At this stage, it is not unusual for the toilet bolt cap to remain in place despite all your efforts. You might need to deploy a hacksaw to dismember the plastic bolt cap to overcome this challenge. Remember to exercise caution when using a hacksaw to avoid cutting yourself or damaging the toilet bolts.
Step Four: Remove the Toilet Bolts
After completing step three, you should remove the closet bolts and safety nuts. Inspect the bolts for any flaws or damage that may impede the proper installation of novel plastic caps. It would be best to use a vinegar-baking soda mixture to clean the closet bolts and the toilet base. Leave both items undisturbed for approximately fifteen minutes before rinsing them with pristine water.
Step Five: Inspect Bolt Elevation
Before fitting novel bolt caps, it is advisable to assess the bolt’s elevation. Even though closet bolts come in standard sizes, heavier toilets might have larger bolt heads. If you notice the bolt elevation is higher, you can use a Milwaukee hacksaw to trim it off.
Step Six: Fix the Novel Bolt Caps
You can use your bare hands to fix the novel closet bolt caps in place at this stage.
Which Toilet Bolt Caps Can You Find in the Market?
If you are looking for new toilet bolt caps, you should know the various types available in the marketplace. They include:
Flat Caps
Flat caps ordinarily crack onto toilet bolts. You have to apply extra force to snap flat caps into place. If you find it challenging to fix flat caps using your finger, you can employ a hammer. Use the hammer to tap the top of the flat cap until you hear a snap. Remember to use minimal force to avoid damaging the flat cap altogether.
A Threaded Closet Bolt Cap
A threaded closet bolt cap has a unique adapter. You need to ensure that the adapters and the closet bolts align when installing them. After that, you can pin the threaded cap on the adapters. Pliers can come in handy at this stage. Remember to use minimal force to avoid damaging your threaded closet bolt cap.
When to Remove and Replace Bolt Caps
You should know that bolt caps are susceptible to wear and tear over time. Cleaning your bathroom is the primary cause of bolt cap degradation. Here are a few reasons you should remove and replace your bolt caps:
When They Are Filthy
Bolt caps tend to accumulate dirt and even discolor in the long term. It is advisable to remove them if you want to clean them thoroughly. You can use a vinegar-baking soda paste to clean them. Additionally, you can consider replacing them if they are irredeemably dirty.
When They are Dented
Broken bolt caps can be an eyesore in your bathroom. Therefore, you should consider replacing them as soon as you notice cracks on the bolt cap heads.
When They are Missing
Bolt caps may disappear as you go about cleaning your bathroom. It would be best if you considered replacing them in the shortest time possible to prevent the closet bolts from rusting.
Final Thoughts
Toilet bolt caps play a pivotal role in concealing closet bolts at the base of your toilet. It would be best to consider removing and replacing them when they are filthy, broken, or missing. Also, you can remove them when you want to replace your toilet. It is advisable to use appropriate tools to remove and replace bolt caps on your toilet easily.